Hi, I’m Bet. Welcome to Bet On Dinner! This blog is a resource for people who love food and welcoming family and friends to the table with it. I’ll be sharing foods we’re eating, and introducing you to both our family favorites and some of the awesome blogs and web resources I depend on for tasty recipes! I would love to be the person who creates and perfects recipes, going all Cook’s Illustrated and tweaking ingredients and having taste tests (a staple of my childhood)…but that’s not the phase of life I’m in. I have a new baby and a three year old who will eat salad with balsamic dressing but not broken crackers, and I’m in the have-to-stick-to-the-grocery-budget, dinner-on-the-table-at-5:30 phase of life and will be for the foreseeable future. This phase works with meal planning, keeping a stash of freezer meals, and letting my older daughter help in the kitchen way more than is practical if you care about efficiency and clean floors. (Which I do…or I did…or I would…but YOLO, yes?)
Feeding my family “real”, minimally processed, healthy food is important to me. But so are treats. Treats are also very important. The homemade kind, for sure (unless we’re talking about Blue Bell ice cream, which I’m willing to make All The Exceptions for), and only occasionally (well, I’m working on that part). So join me for breakfast, lunch, snacks, treats, and most importantly, dinner. I can’t wait to get started!
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