The Best Oven Fries.

These aren't just good-for-homemade oven fries. These are my favorite fries in all the land. They're crispy and salty, thick but…


How to Feed a Super Picky Eater (tips for toddlers from a mom who’s been there).

As I was writing a list of tips for feeding one-year-olds, I found myself thinking about situations where a toddler's…


10 Tips for Feeding a One-Year-Old.

  My one-year-old is so big these days. She's really almost 14 months and she's awesome. She likes to carry All…


Grilled Chicken (the only recipe you’ll ever need).

This is the grilled chicken of my childhood. My dad loved to cook out, and it's one of the ways…


Homemade Pizza Part 3 – Homemade FROZEN Pizza.

Being able to make pizza dough at home (and pile on glorious amounts of whatever toppings you want) doesn't necessarily diminish a…


Homemade Pizza Part 2 – The Toppings.

Pizza crust is important, and if you missed Part 1 about making easy and delicious homemade pizza dough, read up! But…


Homemade Pizza, Part 1 – The Dough.

Pizza is #1 (by, like, a mile) on the list of "meals my whole family loves". (Umm, now I'm trying to…


Four Ingredient Fudgsicles.

Need a super easy summer treat? (I don't care if school started back, it's STILL SUMMER and we can eat…


First Taste: Fresh Corn Cornbread.

I read a lot of food blogs, and therefore I see a lot of recipes I would love to try…


Paleo Granola.

Our new neighborhood has a pool, and it's really fun to be able to walk there with the girls! It…


Summer Sides.

Tonight we had some grilled fish and two of my go-to side dishes - and I realized they were both…


Easy Cheesy Quiche.

Before our move, some dear friends had us over for dinner and served us this delicious quiche (and a kale…


The First Thing I Cooked In My New Kitchen.

I had a lot of romantic ideas about what The First Thing I Cooked In My New Kitchen would be.…


Things I Missed From My Kitchen.

Technically, I'm still missing these things, because our move-in was delayed by a week. But soon we'll be reunited -…


Rustic Tomato Bake.

One summer...a pre-kid summer...Jay and I joined a CSA and got a box of fresh summer produce each week. We…


Blueberry Peach Cobbler.

This recipe is from my friend Jessica. She and her husband Forde were some of our first couple friends in…



We did it! We live in Wilmington now. In a place where there are seagulls flying around the grocery store…


First Taste: Summer Spaghetti.

I love going to the farmer's market this time of year. I could go broke buying peaches. And corn. And…


What to do ahead of time (Moving Tips).

I'm taking a quick cooking break to share my moving expertise (gained the hard way: 8 moves in 9 years).…


The First Day Box (Moving Tips).

In just under 9 years of marriage, we're in the midst of our 8th move. [insert wailing, teeth-gritting, and turning-to-ice…


Pita Pizzas (a Faster than Fast Food Meal).

We have officially completed Phase 1 of our move! Everything we own* is out of our house and in storage,…


Pasta with Peas and Bacon.

I went out to dinner with friends the other day, and got a pasta dish with pancetta, mushrooms, and peas.…


The BYOM Potluck Cookout (the easiest way to entertain this summer).

I have a wonderful friend named Julie who is the creative mind behind the amazing Happy Home Fairy blog. She has…


Chocolate Chip Granola Bars.

I love to bake, but lack the self-control to have homemade sweets around on a regular basis. (Oh, I'm in…
