It’s summer, we’re on vacation this week, and also I started a new little part-time job. There hasn’t been much blogging, but there has been ice cream. And so I decided it was probably, definitely worthwhile to compile a list of my favorites for you, you captive audience, you! Haagen-Dazs Dulce de Leche, aka the…
Flourless Double Chocolate Zucchini Cake (Paleo!)
It’s been summer – kids out of school summer, anyway – for just over a week here and I think my kids have asked for a snack 23095723 times so far. I’m pretty stingy with snacks (one in the morning and one in the afternoon, and we try to keep them pretty healthy) but somehow…
Salted Caramel Pretzel Sundaes.
Y’all. This is definitely one of those times something is much more than the sum of its parts. Because there are only three parts: salted caramel sauce. Vanilla ice cream. And pretzels. But the combination…oh, wow. The pretzels are so crunchy, and something about their flavor and texture whispers “waffle cone” to your brain. And…
Two-Ingredient Chocolate Mousse Truffle Cups.
For a dessert that’s only two ingredients, I sure had a hard time naming this one. An intensely chocolatey concoction of coconut milk + deep dark chocolate, chocolate mousse truffle cups are mousse-ish, but not fluffy, and truffle-like, but you can eat it with a spoon. I don’t really care what you call it, but…
Salted Dark Chocolate Pumpkin Seed Bark.
I think it’s a food blog rule that you have to post “pumpkin something” the first week of fall. But I already shared my favorite, favorite pumpkin bread…and last year I skipped pumpkin completely and brought you this perfectly dense, cinnamon-y apple cake. So now we have salted dark chocolate pumpkin seed bark…and oh my word. It’s addictive.
Blueberry Cheesecake Bars.
Blueberry cheesecake bars are layer upon layer of happiness – buttery graham cracker crust, a layer of cheesecake that’s thin enough to let the other flavors shine but rich enough not to get lost, sweet-tart blueberry pie filling, and fluffy whipped cream. This recipe is from my mom’s mom, so I think these bars could…
Old-Fashioned Gingerbread.
The world/internet has some disagreement about what “gingerbread” is…is it a house? A runaway man? Or is it a dense cake full of warm spices, preferably topped with large dollops of whipped cream? I vote #3.
Easy Lemon Pie.
I made this easy lemon pie (aka: lemon icebox pie) for the first time over the summer (okay, fine, the first couple of times) – and the bright citrus flavor is so fresh and summery! But even though lemons are available year-round, they do have an actual season – late fall through the winter. It’s…
Chocolate Cake (aka The Birthday Cake).
I’ve always loved to bake, and a few years ago I decided to part ways with cake mixes. I mean, making a cake from scratch has to taste better, right? Um, not necessarily. I’ve tried a lot of recipes and while they’ve all been “good” in the “I’m eating chocolate cake” sense, I haven’t always…
GIVEAWAY: Salted Chocolate Chip Cookie Mix!
Heeey! Guess what?? This week, Bet On Dinner turns ONE YEAR OLD! Happy Birthday to us! :o)
Four Ingredient Fudgsicles.
Need a super easy summer treat? (I don’t care if school started back, it’s STILL SUMMER and we can eat fudgsicles if we want to. We might even deserve them more?)
Blueberry Peach Cobbler.
This recipe is from my friend Jessica. She and her husband Forde were some of our first couple friends in Charlotte, where we moved when we got married and Jay started seminary. We had just left our college bubble and the constant companionship of living near all our close friends (I wonder if I’ll ever stop…
Flourless Chocolate Chip Zucchini Snack Cake.
A friend recently posted a picture of their kids eating something chocolate cake-y for breakfast. And said it contained vegetables. Obviously, I immediately wanted to have some in front of me. Now I’ve made it twice, and my three-year-old is It’s flourless, only a few ingredients, full of zucchini, and super tasty – definitely a…
Natural, Dye-Free Pink Icing (with beets!).
The first several years we were married, Jay and I had a Valentine’s Day tradition of going out to a different burger place each year. It beat fighting the crowds at a nicer restaurant, it fit our seminary budget, and frankly, there’s just not much I love more than a burger! Now that we have kids…
Cookie Dough Truffles (Christmas Cookie Week).
**This post is brought to you by my lovely sister, Laurie!** Once upon a time, I was at a potluck supper and found myself walking past the dessert table on my way to the end of a long buffet line. I snagged a little round chocolate something and took a bite… and found myself with…
Russian Tea Cookies (Christmas Cookie Week).
Welcome back to Christmas Cookie Week! Today’s treat is Russian Tea Cookies (which seem to have many aliases – Mexican Wedding Cakes, Snowballs, and Sand Tarts are ones I’ve heard). I love these nutty little cookies, with their delicate crunch and buttery richness.
Gingersnaps (Christmas Cookie Week).
Welcome to Christmas Cookie Week! I love holiday baking, and I’m going to try to control my exclamation points but I’ve eaten a lot of cookies this afternoon! And Christmas is coming! Christmas! Cookie! Week! In my family, there are certain foods that Must Be Made for certain holidays, and having tins loaded with cookies is a…
Chocolate Chess Pie (and the easiest pie crust ever!)
I love treats. Love ’em. I have a Pinterest board with 154 mouth-watering treats pinned on it, and I want to eat all of them. Like Apple-Spice Layer Cake with Caramel Swirl Icing. Or a Giant Oatmeal Creme Pie. Or Chocolate and Coconut Cream Pie Bars. And maybe one day I’ll make them (I mean –…